Visual Design and Production


Design is Intelligence Made Visible

The Visual Design and Production elective course is progressing in full swing currently. Taught by the accomplished Prof. Jan Of, students taking up this course are put up to the challenge of revamping a brand’s product design strategy as the course project. Prof. Of is the Associate Dean of Pforzheim University´s Design School and works as a Freelance Consultant helping companies offer great customer experience with good designs.

During the first sessions of the course Prof. Of basically briefed the students about the fundamentals of product design and development. Automobile design being one of his areas of expertise, he is able to  give many real life examples to clarify concepts. It is obvious for the students that good design is Prof. Of´s passion. He often enthusiastically shows them some of his favorite designs in his own home such as an Ulmer Stuhl.

However, now, the Visual Design and Production course has shifted to the practical part where Prof. Of spends time with the teams and guides them through the process of project planning and execution. The goal is not to make designers out of the students but to train them to have an eye for the right design and teach them to truly appreciate and acknowledge the power of good design.

text: Surel Surve, Class of 2021
screenshots: Surel Surve