Pforzheim University once again among the top 3 most popular universities nationwide


Students vote on satisfaction at Studycheck

Foto: StudyCheck

With nine out of ten possible points, Pforzheim University (HS PF) once again lands in the top 3 in the category "Most popular universities with 5,000 to 15,000 students" in the current ranking by the Studycheck platform. The ranking is based on the average ratings of students and graduates surveyed in 2022 for their respective university, as well as the recommendation rate. With a 4.16 star rating and a 97 percent recommendation rate, Pforzheim University made it to the winner's podium (3rd place). "At our university, students are at the center of our thoughts and actions. We offer a high-quality education and support our students with advice and assistance on their way through their studies. I am very pleased that this is recognized by our students and that we have achieved this great ranking result," said Professor Dr. Ulrich Jautz, Rector of the university, referring to the ranking results.

Studycheck is one of the largest evaluation portals for universities nationwide, with around 500,000 visitors per month and three million page views. On the portal, students and graduates have the opportunity to rate study programs and universities in categories such as "courses", "organization" or "digital learning". In addition, the respective recommendation rate is queried. Prospective students can thus use the opinions and experience reports to form a picture of the various universities and degree programs from the perspective of students and graduates.