Graduation of the "MBA Class of 2017"
Congratulations to the "MBA Class of 2017" on their successful graduation! We are proud to announce that 21 MBA students have successfully finished their studies in 2017.
Family and friends from all over the globe took the journey to join the graduation ceremony. This included family members from Hongkong, China, India, Vietnam, Austria and Canada, giving the ceremony an even more colorful touch. Alumni from recent batches joined to support their successors on their special day.
For the first time, two double degree students from the University of Wyoming successfully completed their MBA. Both Kenneth Brenneman and Daniel Foreman traveled from the US to Pforzheim to receive their German certificates. Their US program director and assistant dean of the Business School in Wyoming, Steve Farkas, acknowledged their graduation by joining in person as well. As a result of the international doual degree, Daniel Foreman recently started a job with the German company Mann&Hummel in the US.
Many graduates already got a job position right from classroom, in various companies ranging from Häfele in the Black forest, Tchibo, EDAG Automotive Engineering, Hohenloher Spezialmöbel up to big names like Goldman Sachs, Daimler, Bosch or KPMG. Positions are wide spread from Price Manager, CIO Advisory, Digital Data Analyst to Product Manager.
We are wishing all graduates the best for the future and hope to meet again soon!