Congratulations to all our students of the class of 2019 who graduated from the MBA International Management program!
After two years of hard work, the acquisition of essential soft and hard skills, inspiring encounters within the `Guest in Classroom´ or `Alumni meet current Students´ series, lots of networking during company visits, intercultural experiences within the batch, memorable excursions, informal events and many unforgettable moments we welcomed back the students of the class of 2019 to Pforzheim University.
After welcoming the students, their guests and some of the MBA professors, Prof. Dr. Harald Strotmann, program director of the MBA International Management, reviewed the past two years with anecdotes and memories from different classes and excursions before handing over the final transcripts and MBA certificates to the individual students.
Next on the agenda was the program organized by Hellen and Himanshu. Himanshu had put together the nicest photos of the previous two years which brought back many precious memories. Then one by one the newly turned alumni stepped forward to share with all those present what the MBA and the experiences made during the program meant to them as a person and for their professional careers. After this rather touching round of statements Himanshu proofed to be a very skilled and humorous movie maker by presenting a hilarious video of a made up story casting his peers.
The decentralized part of the graduation ceremony ended with a toast of sparkling-wine and mimosas to the new MBA graduates before everyone headed for the official `Laudatio´ in the CCP congress center in town where 400 graduates from different study programs were seen off in a festive ceremony.
Dear new MBA alumni,
It was a real pleasure to have you here with us in our program and to watch how you have grown personally and professionally within the last two years!
All the best for you, good success for your professional future and KEEP IN TOUCH!
Your MBA Team