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Cheers to a successfully completed winter semester 2019/20!


The 1st and 3rd semester MBA students celebrated the last day of their classes.

After a busy semester with lots of new knowledge, inspiring guest speakers and exciting excursions and company visits the winter semester is coming to an end. After their last exams and classes the 1st and 3rd semester students were gathering with the MBA team for their individual evaluation workshops to reflect upon the different classes and the MBA program in general.
Besides the regular evaluations conducted by the quality management of the university the evaluation workshops are an important tool for the MBA team to get first-hand impressions and comments from the students to find out what can additionally be done to support them with their learnings and also in means of consistent quality assurance of the program.
For the 1st semester students the evaluation workshop was a good way of realizing how well they have settled in the program when coming back to university after a couple of years in the corporate world and to analyze what new skills they´ve learned in the MBA so far.
After a very busy semester with mandatory classes, various electives and challenging company projects the 3rd semester students finished their on campus time with the last course of Business Planning & Management Simulation. Since they are getting ready now finding topics for their theses and choosing their supervisors the evaluation workshop was a good possibility to look back and sum up the last two or three semesters.    
After an insightful session of reflections, suggestions and feedback, the students headed towards the close by Gartenstüble to celebrate their last day of the semester along with the MBA Program Director Prof. Dr. Harald Strotmann and members of the MBA team.

Have a nice break, safe travels and see you again in spring!

Text: MBA
Photos: MBA